Retina Prints
Retina Prints are Goldring’s form of visual poetry. They are created by capturing the video output of the Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope that contains the composite image of what is seen through the SLO as it is being looked at. In this way the print suggests the way the afterimage remains in your visual memory and the bold impression left by a single image on your optic nerve.
“Although I have ‘low vision,’ what I see guides my writing and colors my poems. For me the retina prints are frozen traces of seeing turned into visual poems… the memory of words that move and flow into meaning like RAIN falling in 3D VR SLO space, in homage to Apollinaire. The images ‘sitting on my retina’ are often only palpable through the SLO. Once seen and captured this way, they are always there in my mind’s eye—and on the Retina Prints.”
— Elizabeth Goldring Piene